Martin Thompson | Voxxed Days

Voxxed Days Milano 2019
on Saturday 13 April

Martin is a Java Champion with 25+ years of experience building complex and high-performance computing systems. He is most recently known for his work on Aeron and SBE. Previously at LMAX he was a co-founder and CTO where he created the Disruptor. Prior to LMAX Martin worked for Betfair, content companies with the world largest catalogues, and was a lead on some of the most significant C++ and Java systems of the 1990s.

He blogs at, and can be found giving training courses on performance and concurrency when he is not cutting code to make systems better.

See also

Interaction Protocols: It's all about good manners


Distributed and concurrent systems can be considered a social group that collaborate to achieve collective goals. In order to collaborate a system of rules must be applied that affords good hygiene, fault tolerance, and effective communication to coordinate, share knowledge, and provide feedback in a trusted manner. These rules form a number of protocols which enable the group to act as a system which is greater than the sum of the individual components.

In this talk we will explore the history of protocols and their application when building distributed systems. Protocols provide the foundation on which the quality attributes are delivered. Qualities such as performance, resilience, and security.

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